2019. december 19., csütörtök

To calm his mind

Apparently I am still not over Good Omens and Aziraphale/Crowley. In fact, I am waist-deep in their quagmire - no regrets though, I am loving it. Here comes something that has been sitting on my proverbial desk for quite some time now, and I finally made the time to write it. Enjoy!
Warning: explicit sexual content and the like

2019. november 2., szombat

Cuddles in the cold

Okay so this is the fluffiest fluff I have ever written. Like, no plot at all. Just fluff and cuddles. Because it has gotten cold in the past few days and my feet and hands and nose have been freezing and so I turned to cuddles as a solution because they always help, and they did, and so basically I just had to make Crowley cuddle Aziraphale for heat. I am pretty sure he did, quite often.
No ragrets.

2019. október 19., szombat


So I've been thinking about writing a sequel to my previous fanfic 'Holy Water'. Here it comes.
Basically, Aziraphale has a nightmare and gets comforted by his demon.

2019. október 6., vasárnap

Holy water

Good Omens (TV show)

I haven't written anything in a long while. Apparently, I cannot write Remadora right now, because my mind is full of Good Omens, thanks to the dozens and dozens of Aziraphale/Crowley fics I've read over the past few weeks. So here you go.