2016. október 29., szombat

Colours of the wind (English version)

Remadora onshot
I wrote this last year but it's autumn again and I though I could translate it to English so not just Hungarians can enjoy my OTP's romance. Soo fluffy I can't believe I did this but hey sometimes it feels nice to read cliché. Enjoy! :)

‘I don’t agree with you’ pouted Tonks and she turned her back on Remus sitting on the old park bench.
‘I am much older than you. So much that you can’t even see how much it counts’ murmured Remus quietly, desperately. He pulled the shabby coat he wore together but it didn’t have much effect. The late autumn wind was blowing through his body, freezing his bones.
‘You believe this only cause you’ve never even given us a chance!’ cried the witch, her hair gleaming in an intense red colour.
Remus did not answer but the painful look in his eyes showed how much he desired to make the woman sitting next to him understand why they just couldn’t be together. And that he actually very much wanted to be with her.
‘You may not believe me now but I happen to know that I am more than ready for a serious relationship. For a relationship with you. Remus, I wouldn’t be able to chatter and giggle carelessly with a young bloke. I’ve tried, believe me, and I just can’t do it. They lack the depth I could fall for. I already realized this. When will you?’ she asked in a voice barely more than a stifled whisper. The wind blew a flaming red lock of hair into her face.
Remus only shook his head. He was not willing to admit that all this could be true. And by the way, the impenetrable age difference was only one of his many arguments against their relationship. But at the same time, he started to see the point in her reasoning.
‘Please, just try it with me’ reached out Tonks and took his cold, long fingers carefully into her palms. A strange tickling sensation run through her arms from the points their fingers touched. ‘Give us a chance, Remus!’ asked Tonks softly, her blue eyes glimmering with hope, full of raw emotions.
The wind rose again, blowing through the park and the witch’s now long purple hair started swirling all around them. Fallen leaves drifted around their ankles. Remus did not dare to look away, not that he would have been able to anyway. Her shimmering eyes captured his and would not let them.
Then a sudden gust of wind came from aside and sent a big amount of hair into Tonks’ face, covering her eyes from Remus’ view. The witch shrank it back angrily to have it now considerably short. Lupin did the only possible thing he could think of: he started laughing. This woman was adorable.
‘I love you’ he said simply before he could guard his tongue. Tonks’ eyes watered and her lips parted in surprise.
‘So…?’ she asked but couldn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t want to hope. She didn’t want to get hurt again.
Remus didn’t want to hope either. He took a long moment of admiring the heart-shaped face full of emotions, the colourful, messy hair, and the small nose full of freckles. The electric blue eyes. The pink lips.
‘Remus?’ urged Tonks, not even daring to breath.
‘Okay, let’s give it a go! I want to be with you. And until you realize it’s not me you want, I can still try to convince you about the opposite’ smiled Remus with surprising confidence and Tonks fell on his neck.
‘Thank you’ she whispered into his ear then planted kisses on his earlobe, his cheek, his hair, his nose, his lips. A wide smile spread all over her face and her bubble-gum pink hair fluttered at her jawline.
‘Could we just go on our first date right now? Like, some warmer place?’ suggested Remus when a new wave of icy wind bit into him through the many holes in his coat.
Tonks jumped to her feet and offered her hand for Remus. He took it with a warm smile. He had to lower his flag. He needed someone he could hold onto. They started out of the park hand in hand, kicking colourful leaves with each step.
Remus glanced at the witch at his side. Violent pink hair, gleaming brown eyes, red cheeks. The colours of autumn, the colours of happiness. Perfect harmony. Like a living painting.
‘What?’ asked Tonks puzzled when she realized he was staring at her.
‘You are like the wind’ stated Lupin with certainty in his voice. Tonks pouted.
‘Cold and biting?’ she asked raising her eyebrows.
‘You bring colour to a man’s life’ he answered pointing to all the trees and leaves around. Tonks blushed even though her cheeks were already red. Then she stumbled and became even redder.
‘You know how to compliment a woman, don’t you?’ said Tonks appreciatively.
‘I barely started’ told Remus with a wink causing Tonks to burst out laughing. Too old? Come on! This man could be just as young and playful as she could be serious and moderate herself if it was indeed needed. So they did have a future. Now she only needed to prove him this.

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